Kao i 2021., Synology će održati četiri webinara na kojima će predstaviti svoje nove softverske i hardverske značajke koje dolaze ove godine.

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Na ovogodišnjoj radionici 2022. svi će sudionici dobiti besplatnu 6-mjesečnu pretplatu na Synology C2 s neograničenim prostorom za pohranu. Oni koji ispune kratku anketu bit će uključeni u nagradnu igru raznih Synology proizvoda.

Počevši od 6. pa sve do 20. travnja sve su sesije identične sadržajem koje pokrivaju sljedeće:

User Strategies I

Examine real-world success stories and get a guide to backing up SaaS data, deploying an NVR solution, and syncing data to public clouds. Learn how to take advantage of remote access and management tools. Live Q&A included.

User Strategies II

Look into another actual deployment of Synology NAS as a centralized data storage, backup, and recovery solution. Walkthrough the process of setting up a virtual storage environment, and backing up VMs, SaaS, and endpoints for quick recovery. Live Q&A included.

Hybrid Cloud - Bridging the Gap with Synology NAS and C2

Explore the benefits of using a Synology NAS on-premises in conjunction with Synology C2 for enhanced functionality, stronger data protection, and maximized investments on your deployment. Learn about tools within DSM that leverage the power and flexibility of C2, and walk through software demos of these hybrid solutions. Live Q&A included.


Hear deployment strategies from one of our authorized partners. See how they help dozens of businesses in New York maximize uptime and lower overall costs. Discuss ways to connect with partners and the Synology team. Get next steps to receive personalized guidance from Synology on your next project. Live Q&A included.

Kako stvari stoje, dobit ćemo informacije o novom Surveillance Station 9, novom NVR uređaju, više informacija i demo o novim C2 uslugama, uključujući Hybrid Share, te neke primjere iz stvarnog života od tvrtki koje koriste Synology rješenja.